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  1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken

  2. Show commitment to & perseverance in CAS experiences


Every Saturday I and a small group of girls go to a home for girls called Hogar de gina. These girls are orphans or have troubled parents. We go to the Home to play with them while taking the time to teach them some English in the process. I’ve been going there for a few months and I’ve gotten very close to all the girls at the home. Going there and being received with a bunch of hugs is possibly one of my favorite times of the week. We get to sing, dance and talk with these girls for a few hours which for me is like an excuse to act like I'm 3 again. I wish you could watch us play just dance. I’ve only been going for a semester and I’ve already gotten to know the girls very well, especially Dulce who’s never afraid to throw herself on you. These girls are just the sweetest people. 

Unfortunately due to covid we have not been able to visit them but hope to one day be able to go back and say hello.

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