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Walking My Dog

  1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken

  2. Show commitment to & perseverance in CAS experiences


As a way of doing some exercise daily, I decided to go on walks every day after lunch with my dog. This gives me time to rest from sitting down all day staring at a screen and get some fresh air. I walk for about half an hour every day and sometimes I walk twice a day, once with my dog and once without since my dog can't walk for too long. It isn't really an intense workout but it's a good way to stretch out my muscles and ligaments after several hours of sitting or laying down. It is a challenge I am setting up for myself because sometimes it is hard to get up and leave your room after spending so many hours of the day inside, especially to go on long walks. It is hard to be motivated to do so. But, no matter how lazy I may get I try my best to push myself to walk for at least 20 minutes because I know my body needs the air and exercise. 

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